Create a visual effect art piece to present a deeper meaning of "The Laday, Or The Tiger?".
The video requirement is 8K in 6 giant screens and the length is 5 minutes and 30 seconds. we will need to shoot our 4K raw footage for post-production. We will have to use shoot the footage about ink in a water tank. Although we are working as a team of 5, most of my groupmate were not confident with Adobe After Effects.
As the size of our video is too big, for just one 4K raw footage with 10 seconds already over 1 GB, it is almost impossible to do it in real-time on a desktop. Fortunately, I came up with a method that works with downsized videos, when we are ready to output we can just replace the link with high-quality video. The next challenge will be my group member's incapability with software, I have nothing but to teach them while we were working together.
My idea is to use the ink in water effect to create a kaleidoscope and merge it with our actors' eyes. This represents each of the character's mental activities and how they are affecting each other's decisions.
Final Version
Ink in water footage examples

Example of actors' footage